Boy meets girl. Boy falls for girl. Boy fights for girl and despite numerous challenges (they’re from different social/ financial backgrounds, he/she screws up majorly, blah blah blah…) they find a way to be together. Because in the all – too – perfect world of romantic comedies, love prevails.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to drop some knowledge on you: this is all one big con. A money – making ploy by Hollywood, Hallmark and the flower and confectionery industries to tug at our heartstrings, and force us to cough up millions in an attempt to win that “special” someone.
Don’t get me wrong, I am a strong believer in love, and in an ideal world, everyone would have their own little rom – com going on. But the world is not ideal and, to quote one of these multi – million franchises, most of us are the rule, not the exception.
So we don’t always end up with “the one”, there are rarely ever these grand gestures of love like rooms full of roses and people belting out ballads in the rain accompanied by badly tuned stereos (isn’t that a mild electric shock waiting to happen?), people running through the airport with a last minute ticket purchased to get through security so they can stop the person they love from leaving with the “wrong” person, the startling confessions of love that make us reach for the tissues and make that ugly half – smiling, half- -crying face… well, you catch my drift… The sad fact is that life is severely underwhelming in comparison, and these movies do nothing but mislead those of us who are foolish enough to buy into them. Woe unto the suckers who decide to date said foolish women, for they shall find themselves competing with sparkly vampires and other such icons of foolish love, a battle which no mere mortal without the help of lights, HD cameras, a possible award – winning script, and years of production and fine – tuning, can win.
Wow, don’t I sound like the bitter bitch! Totally not my intention, I was just thinking, these movies put men (and women, sometimes) on ridiculous pedestals. I believe in soulmates and that there is someone for each of us out there. And the funny thing about soulmates is, we may not always get exactly what we want, but we most definitely get exactly what we need… methinks God/ the Universe/ whatever or whoever you choose to believe in has a great sense of humor…and with that dear bloggers, I am putting the Universe out of its misery, and retracting my previous list of outrageous demands… well, most of them ;)