10:46 pm
It’s Monday night... for some reason, I’ve had a really bad case of the “Monday Blues” today, spent most of it stoned… no, wait, I’ve been stoned since Friday so there’s no correlation between the Monday Blues and me being high… hehehe
10:52 pm
I think my internet is on her period; the connection keeps dying and coming back on every few minutes... Typical third world reliability.
11:35 pm
One sketch done… I’m not sure how I feel about it yet; it looks a bit undone…
12:13 am
I have a migraine… great… been watching Rock n Rolla, for the first time it’s not helping… sigh…
01:49 am
Why am I still awake? I just ate a shitload of cheesecake, I feel fat and disgusting =(
02:27 am
I’m getting sleepy =D it might just be the weed but I don’t mind, mama needs her beauty sleep!!
07:30 am
Mum woke me up to give me a list of stuff to do today. Here’s an idea mum, next time leave a note!!
Oh well, since I’m up… *walks to the balcony, lights a cigarette; uses it to light the stub of last night’s joint*
And inhale…… inhale….. Exhale….
This is very UN-PC but it cracked me up! Saw it on
Religions of the world:
Taoism: Shit happens
Hinduism: This Shit happened before
Islam: If Shit happens, take a hostage
Buddhism: When Shit happens is it really Shit?
7th Day Adventist: Shit happens on Saturday
Protestantism: Shit won't happen if I work harder
Catholics: If Shit happens, I deserve it
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Knock knock, Shit happens
Judaism: Why does Shit always happen to me?
Hare Krishna: Shit happens rama rama ding dong
Atheism: No Shit
T.V. Evangelism: Send more Shit
Rastafarianism: Let’s Smoke This Shit!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Global Warming, Carpe Diem and such like things...

What is the human obsession with knowing everything? Years and years are spent in research trying to unravel all the great mysteries of nature and our existence. Obscene amounts of money are poured into astral and archaeological excavations to try to gain insight into our past and future. The greatest concern being about the future of course, because we have no control over the past but may have a chance at determining what happens in the future. And thus the great question that has forever been in the minds of our species since the dawn of time, will the world come to an end?
The end of the world fad is not such a new thing, history books have it that right before the year 1000, people sold all their belongings to prepare for the apocalypse and built underground bunkers to save themselves from the impending doom. We all are familiar with the Y2K euphoria, and now there is yet another end of the world craze. Today, this fad is backed by celebrities, with blockbuster movies speculating on the exact way life as we know it shall come to an end. Is the end of the world fast approaching? Or is it all mass hysteria caused by our own insecurities and propelled by Hollywood?
Let’s take a look at the facts. Science, religion, and even nature show that the world is due for a drastic change in the near future. Global warming and the Greenhouse effect are to blame for a myriad of natural disasters, which only seem to be getting worse, threatening, and even almost wiping out populations. Tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes with superawesome lightning shooting out, floods… staying alive is in itself an accomplishment! Religion blames it on the apocalypse and judgment day, claiming that the sins of humankind have long angered God, and he is returning to take his chosen ones with him, leaving the sinners to perish, and the world to come to an end.
But if we look at the history of the earth, these warming and cooling periods have been happening since the beginning of the planet. Is it possible that global warming isn’t a threat to our existence but instead only the planet going through the motions as it has been forever? And, if the end of the planet is inevitable as research seems to suggest, are we just biding our time by investing in the so – called Green revolution?
Perhaps the biggest end of the world fad is the 2012 fad. The ancient Mayan civilization had a calendar, which they used to predict catastrophic events. This calendar is even said to have predicted the September 11th terrorist attacks in the United States, and the Tsunami. The calendar ends on a specific date, the 21st of December 2012, which leads historians to believe that the world ends on that date. But is this sufficient evidence? The Mayans are extinct; maybe they were unable to finish the calendar for that reason. Or maybe they just ran out of space? No one knows the real reason but speculation has run rampant, and most believe that the end of the world is fast upon us. Nostradamus has a similar prophecy, claiming the world will end on the same date.
The Green revolution, and the 2012 craze have affected almost every aspect of everyday life. There are eco – friendly variations of almost everything which cost more, but promise to elongate our stay on our already doomed planet. Fashion and entertainment have also gone green, with all our favorite celebrities joining or forming their own green campaign, and mindlessly sucking us in with them. This is perhaps the biggest fad in recent history!
I’m no Nostradamus, prophet, scientist or Mayan so I cannot claim to know when life as we know it will come to an end, but I will give you my two cents on these fads. Life is unpredictable, you may die crossing the road, or you may live to see the world come to an end. You’ll never know how your end is going to come. So live your life and be good to the planet, the rest is not in your hands.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Random Rhymes...

This one was inspired by L.A, I sat down and typed whatever came to mind.. It's nowhere as good as his but well... it's been a while since i posted =P
Let my start by saying, I don’t usually roll this way
I’ve been there before, so far from other women’s men I stay
Then you came along, funny, sweet, and slightly eccentric
Just by standing next to me, you sparked something… electric,
So there I was, my mind was far, travelling
Wishing you’d hold me like that guitar, caressing
One look was all it took to spark my desires,
Late at night, hands down my pants, trying to quell the raging fire
You knew what I was thinking; you’d seen the look in my eye
And now you returned it, with that slow, sly smile
The torturing began, a touch here, a gentle brush across my thigh
Words whispered, translated into fantasies, your name I would sigh
We can’t say we didn’t see it coming
Your hands around my hips, a small scream escapes my lips
That’s the sound of me cumming
So now we’re trapped, the sex is too hot to let go
No judgment, we just like to do it, LMFAO
As long as you keep it TLC, you know, creep
And make sure when you’re with her, it’s not my name you’re saying in your sleep
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Back In The Day
This post was inspired by Cuppatea's last post.. check him out on http://colourful-cuppatea.blogspot.com/
When I was in high school, all the girls were obsessed with being skinny… what am I saying? They still are! But for the purpose of moving on with this post, let’s stick to the highschool days.
Many a lunchtime would pass where some girls would only nibble at something, most opting not to eat, and some going the Mary – Kate route. I wasn’t in any of these categories; I was the odd one out, pigging out with the boys. I’d love to tell you that this was because I was confident about my body, but sadly, that is not the case.
I was skinny.
Painfully so.
Much unlike my counterparts, I was dying to put on weight, not to lose any. I was the stick – thin girl and save for my (already) large breasts, I pretty much looked like a boy.
I wore baggy pants because I thought they would somehow mask my skinny legs. I even wore shorts on the inside to give the appearance of wider hips and a more curvaceous ass. I tried everything, even investing in a few very impractical white pairs of jeans!
But nothing doing.
And so I resorted to my last defense, making fun of my boyish shape… well, boobs aside =P
Then came boarding school for my A levels, mother dearest thought it would be prudent to send me to another country... so off I went... and with it all came a whole new bag of insecurities…
See the girls in this country… voluptuous would be an understatement! And so I began to pig out on everything and anything. unfortunately for me, boarding school food isn’t prepared with the healthy type of oil and well, let’s just say I became more appley than peary…
Then I did something that I am very ashamed of; I pulled Mary – Kate y’all! I started throwing up when I ate and starving myself until I couldn’t stand it… and 15 minutes later I was back in the bathroom; fingers down my throat. It got so bad that I passed out once during a school assembly. I don’t know what was more embarrassing, the fainting or my pants almost falling off as they carried my off to the sick bay…
With age comes wisdom (well, usually…) and I realized that my body was mine forever and I would eventually have to accept it for what it was. And so I did. I even embraced my tiger – like stretch marks on my butt and stopped wearing shorts with my bikinis =)
I recently put on about 5kgs and I’m loving it! My hips and ass are rounder and I couldn’t be happier!
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have days where I felt fat or ugly, but surprisingly, they are less and less common. And I think that’s because I have learned to love and accept myself. And that ladies and gentlemen (brace yourselves for an über cliché line) is the greatest gift you can give yourself…
Jheez, that last line was horrible, the weed must be eating away at my brain already =D
When I was in high school, all the girls were obsessed with being skinny… what am I saying? They still are! But for the purpose of moving on with this post, let’s stick to the highschool days.
Many a lunchtime would pass where some girls would only nibble at something, most opting not to eat, and some going the Mary – Kate route. I wasn’t in any of these categories; I was the odd one out, pigging out with the boys. I’d love to tell you that this was because I was confident about my body, but sadly, that is not the case.
I was skinny.
Painfully so.
Much unlike my counterparts, I was dying to put on weight, not to lose any. I was the stick – thin girl and save for my (already) large breasts, I pretty much looked like a boy.
I wore baggy pants because I thought they would somehow mask my skinny legs. I even wore shorts on the inside to give the appearance of wider hips and a more curvaceous ass. I tried everything, even investing in a few very impractical white pairs of jeans!
But nothing doing.
And so I resorted to my last defense, making fun of my boyish shape… well, boobs aside =P
Then came boarding school for my A levels, mother dearest thought it would be prudent to send me to another country... so off I went... and with it all came a whole new bag of insecurities…
See the girls in this country… voluptuous would be an understatement! And so I began to pig out on everything and anything. unfortunately for me, boarding school food isn’t prepared with the healthy type of oil and well, let’s just say I became more appley than peary…
Then I did something that I am very ashamed of; I pulled Mary – Kate y’all! I started throwing up when I ate and starving myself until I couldn’t stand it… and 15 minutes later I was back in the bathroom; fingers down my throat. It got so bad that I passed out once during a school assembly. I don’t know what was more embarrassing, the fainting or my pants almost falling off as they carried my off to the sick bay…
With age comes wisdom (well, usually…) and I realized that my body was mine forever and I would eventually have to accept it for what it was. And so I did. I even embraced my tiger – like stretch marks on my butt and stopped wearing shorts with my bikinis =)
I recently put on about 5kgs and I’m loving it! My hips and ass are rounder and I couldn’t be happier!
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have days where I felt fat or ugly, but surprisingly, they are less and less common. And I think that’s because I have learned to love and accept myself. And that ladies and gentlemen (brace yourselves for an über cliché line) is the greatest gift you can give yourself…
Jheez, that last line was horrible, the weed must be eating away at my brain already =D
self - reflection
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Oh shit, I’m falling for him…
Ask me how I know already? Because he cancelled plans that we’d made as a group and I instantly began to sulk.
Sounds silly, I know, but I’m not much of a sulker and as you can tell from my previous posts, I only get upset when I really like someone…
Which brings me to another yummy boy but that is a story for a more sober, more focused version of me to tell…
Sigh, I should’ve seen this coming, but now it’s time to stop it before it gets worse…
That being said, everything else is going great, I’m making headway with my initial project and even bigger things coming my way =)
This time I really can’t tell at all until it’s finalized.. sorry L.A, that means you too…
Will try get that other story in soon, I’ve been swamped!
Ask me how I know already? Because he cancelled plans that we’d made as a group and I instantly began to sulk.
Sounds silly, I know, but I’m not much of a sulker and as you can tell from my previous posts, I only get upset when I really like someone…
Which brings me to another yummy boy but that is a story for a more sober, more focused version of me to tell…
Sigh, I should’ve seen this coming, but now it’s time to stop it before it gets worse…
That being said, everything else is going great, I’m making headway with my initial project and even bigger things coming my way =)
This time I really can’t tell at all until it’s finalized.. sorry L.A, that means you too…
Will try get that other story in soon, I’ve been swamped!
yummy men
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