Wow, that sentence makes me feel ANCIENT!! But, you know, we’re not here to discuss my quarter – life – crisis, on to the purpose of this post…
It’s the summer holidays which means most of my friends who are abroad come back for the holidays, there are a million and one parties to attend and of course, that kids are out of school for three long months. Now that last one, I’m not feeling too great about. Why, you may ask? Because these annoying children fill up every spot that I enjoy hanging out at, they make my party experience weird and uncomfortable, and by the end of summer, I’m left asking “what in the hell happened to children these days?”
This weekend, I broke my summer party hiatus (I had resorted to nights in with the boys, a couple beers, and the PS3) because it was my friend’s birthday and she just HAD to go out. So we drove to the other side of the city to go to this big party that was going on. It was in one of the more established clubs that usually has a strict door policy; I had to use my older cousin’s ID to get in there before I was 21 =P but identity fraud aside, this club is usually very strict. Which is why when I was asked for my ID at the door, I didn’t even give my usual snide remark, I just smiled as I handed it over. We got our wristbands etc etc and walked in, sure that we would not be plagued by the mass of annoying, drunk children that usually pack our favorite haunts.
But boy were we wrong.
The club was packed, and I don’t mean that there were a lot of people, I mean that it was probably a serious health risk, seeing as there was hardly any oxygen left to breathe. Well, we had come such a long way so we were prepared to make the most of it. We ordered drinks and hit the dance floor, after all, the music was pretty awesome.
So we’re dancing and someone behind me kept elbowing me in the ribs. Clearly not a comfortable thing to endure so I turned around to ask them to stop. My eyes nearly popped out of my skull. Like literally. There was a couple behind me, the guy grabbing on the girl’s waist,, the girl pulling off some move I had seen in that Bend Over video (which by the way is just disgusting). Both of them didn’t look a day above 16, and I’m sure they weren’t. I pointed it out to my friends and we laughed about it and moved on. But within an hour, the number of couples I had seen doing the same thing was ridiculous. And it wasn’t just the dancing, I saw people who were years below me in high school in the bathroom snorting coke or popping pills, out in the car parks doing only what I can call some sort of dry humping that was highly disturbing. I saw many of them passed out on the floor, their wallets and cellphones long gone. And I just wondered, what the fuck is up with kids these days??
Let me tell you what I was doing at 16. Sure, I was a smoker, but even then kissing a boy was still a big deal. I’d already had my first few couple of drinks, but I knew that there was a line when it came to mind – altering substances, that weed was just at the line, and that it shouldn’t be crossed. I danced with boys, and sure, I understand the thrill that comes with wining on a guy blah blah blah but the simulated sex acts I saw on Saturday, even the makers of the video that spawned such dance moves would be scandalized. And sure, I’d kissed a few boys but the complicated love triangles I heard about in the ladies room made me appreciate just how boring my life can be. Then I wondered, where are these people’s parents?? Like where were they as these kids were growing up? Are they too busy trying to make a living that they don’t see what their children have become?? I for one know my mother struggled and worked crazy hours but as much as we took advantage of that, I knew what the boundaries were… sigh… I’m not even sure where exactly I’m going with this anymore but I think I just needed to vent a little bit because I was just horrified!!
Hopefully the next time I post I’ll be on to happier things =P