Wednesday, June 10, 2009

i'm feeling rather bitter right now.....

so here it is, my first blog... well, not really, i have blogged before but no one has seen my posts... just thought i'd try the whole public blogging thing... put my thoughts out there and see if anyone's interested or has anything to say... so here goes...

Here’s the thing about players. they’re very good at telling when a girl is interested. Even if she’s just curious. Then they’ll play hard to get. Yes, hard to get. Make themselves seem mysterious and elusive, simply to increase your interest, at the same time, do small things to indicate they’re interested too… then they’ll make their move when you’re most likely to talk to them… at a bar… a party you’re both invited to… but when you’re alone… after some small talk, exchange of numbers etc etc, they’ll start to really act interested… text or call you, slowly work their way to the relationship topic… the first thing they’ll tell you is that they have a bad reputation and you shouldn’t be with them. Everyone hates them because they’ve made one or two mistakes, and in a way they do deserve that reputation. Then they’ll say they’ve changed… probably throw it in that they’re a mama’s boy, they treat their girlfriends with respect even though they have a weak resolve after a few too many tequilas, they wish you hadn’t heard about them because they’re really into you and would kill to have a clean slate with you… and besides, they haven’t cheated on anyone in an impressive number of months/years… blah blah blah, who wrote this fucking script and do all these assholes download it for free because really, a little imagination would be nice… on second thought, leave it that way… so we can spot you really easily and weed you out before we start to fall for your bullshit. Because let’s face it, just like the poor abandoned puppy on the side of the road, and the street kids we empty our wallets for, women cannot resist sob stories. Even when it’s against our better judgment. Sadly for me, I’ve had to learn the hard way… more than once… suffice to say, the once bitten, twice shy thing doesn’t quite work for me. I can’t quite explain it, the cliché attraction to the bad boy, mingled with pity, flattery (on his part), and immense sex appeal… throw in my uncanny ability to get myself in strange situations and there you have it. Another disaster waiting to happen…
I’m not even sure what I’m on about… just random musings I guess…

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