Sunday, November 15, 2009

another random venting post...

There is so much idle, mindless chatter going on around me, I’m constantly tempted to tear my hair out.
There are those people who speak for the sake of speaking. Maybe they just enjoy hearing the sound of their voices, beats me. These are the people who will talk non stop about anything and everything, not particularly making sense but just rambling on and on assuming for some reason that I‘m interested in the mundane details of their uninteresting lives.
Then there are those people who aren’t exactly talking to me but they’re talking loudly enough for me to hear... loud enough for anyone in a 50 kilometre radius to hear. And I’m thinking, is it that the person you’re speaking to is partially deaf? Or can you not control how loudly you speak? Are you aware that you’re contributing to noise pollution..?
People who tell a shitload of lies... you should be shot! Not only are you extremely irritating, but you insult my intelligence by feeding me a ton of bullshit and expecting me to impressed...
And then there’s people who say things that they don’t mean. Sigh... it doesn’t matter what it is, how deep or significant it is; if you don’t mean it, then don’t say it. It’s not rocket science. Cause once you say things, you can’t take them back. I’d rather listen to you ramble on about how long it took you to get rid of your ingrown toenail than hear you say one momentary meaningful thing that I’ll look back on and realise you never meant. Or sit in awkward silence than hear you make empty promises. Or say something then go like “oh, forget it...”
Or when you haven’t seen someone in ages and you decide to have lunch or something so you can “catch up” then they spend the next few hours in a narcissistic bitch fit.
Those people who always try to one – up you when you’re sharing experiences... you’re right up there with the liars... fuck you guys...
**Think before you speak before you drive me insane**