Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009 in retrospect...

Last year I…
Started the year getting beat on by cops and random bystanders. Didn’t think I’d make it through the night.
Celebrated the one year anniversary of my dad’s death… on the wrong day… translation: they waited a day to tell me he was dead.
Drank countless tequilas, an equal number of black ices, about 150 beers, maybe another 120 assorted shots.
Smoked more than 150 packs of cigarettes.
Damn… that’s about 200,000 shillings!!!
Started dressing more girly… my dressing wasn’t butch or anything but I embraced my girly side a bit more.
Cut and dyed my hair. It may not sound like a big deal but I cherish every single strand on my head so it was for me. Haha!
Finally let go of my ex. He was my booty call for over a year.
Lost one of my closest friends… she didn’t die but she is dead to me…
Made more mistakes with men than I would’ve liked.
Finally got busted by my mum throwing a house party… this one was a long time coming, lol.
Went to a strip club for the first time only to find that the strippers had the night off… go figure!
Started playing the guitar, it’s true what they say, music is good for your soul 
Had the best, and worst, sex of my life (so far).
Dislocated my ankle falling down a bunch of steps… in my defense, I was pushed! But blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol!!
Drank 21 shots on my birthday and was still standing!! Me remembering anything is another story! Lol!
Got into a really huge fight with another girl and discovered (from other people) that I fight like a man. Excuse me for thinking kicks and punches are the proper way to fight.
Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. 2009 was a crazy year and not always in a good way. I’d like to believe I emerged stronger, and that all these experiences have made me wiser. If not, that was a hell of a ride!!! I’d totally do it again!! Well… most of it…
Happy New Year!!!

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